Newsletter CeCOP

februarie 28, 2007

JOB: Assistant manager,

Filed under: joburi — newslettercecop @ 10:23 pm

Daca ai:

–         Studii superioare terminate sau esti in an terminal (in
domeniul socio-uman);

–         Experienta intr-o pozitie de secretara / assistant manager
de minim 6 luni;

–         O buna cunostere a pachetului Microsoft Office;

–         Un nivel avansat de cunoastere a limbii engleze (vorbit,
scris, citit);

–         Cunostinte de contabilitate primara;

–         Bune abilitati de comunicare si organizare a activitatii
proprii cat si a celorlalti.

Trimite CV-ul la urmatoarea adresa de mail: cu mentiunea

Assistant Manager si noi iti oferim – posibilitatea de dezvoltare
personala in cadrul unei echipe tinere si dinamice; oportunitati de
avansare; evaluare profesionala la 6 luni si un pachet salarial

[sursa job studenti]

Cultura prin voluntariat

Filed under: voluntariat — newslettercecop @ 10:14 pm

Festival de arta nonconventionala , moderna si traditionala , libera si spontana , prin care tineri reprezentati ai generatiei lor , performeaza in actiuni culturale cu scop caritabil .

Daca iti place Bach si Mozart , nici graffiti-ul nu-ti displace , poti sa faci un body painting sau pictura pe sticla , si vrei sa faci voluntariat pentru cultura , atunci trimite-ne un mail la voluntariat. cultura@gmail. com

Summer Course Human Rights 2007

Filed under: scoli de vara — newslettercecop @ 8:42 am

Summer Course Human Rights 2007
Date: 20-31 August 2007
Level: graduate, professional

Focus: This summer course is a joint initiative of the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research, the Catholic University of Leuven and Northwestern University of Chicago. Plenary sessions are combined with visits to international organisations like the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Location: The Hague (The Netherlands) /Leuven (Belgium)

Deadline: 20 April 2007

http://www.hrea. org/erc/Calendar /display. php?doc_id= 3700&month= 8&year=2007

[sursa romstudyabroad]

Czech Governmental Scholarships 2007/2008

Filed under: burse — newslettercecop @ 8:41 am

Scholarships for the Academic Year 2007/2008

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic
(hereafter referred to as the „Ministry”) annually offers
scholarships to foreign nationals, pursuant to bilateral
intergovernmental or inter-ministerial agreements concluded with a
number of countries. Scholarships are awarded to applicants nominated
by the competent authorities of eligible countries.

Scholarships of this type are designed for university/college
students or graduates and Ph.D. candidates (exceptionally also for
university researchers/ teachers) who wish to accomplish a study or
research stay at one of the Czech public institutions of higher
education. Its length usually ranges from 2 to 10 months depending
upon the agreement made by the Czech government and the foreign
government concerned that specifies also the categories of eligible

Most frequently, scholarship- holders are admitted for research
visits (i.e. they either attend non-degree courses of their choice,
or pursue an independent research activity at the host institutions,
depending on their qualifications and preferences) . Since the
courses they follow in the Czech Republic do not lead to the award of
a degree, they are not required to sit any entrance examinations. In
compliance with the applicable legal regulations, it is the
universities that decide on admission to research or study stays.
Prospective applicants are therefore advised to contact the selected
university directly and request a letter of acceptance or invitation
from the relevant department. Although such a letter is not listed
among obligatory attachments to the application form, its submission
is strongly recommended, since it simplifies and expedites the
acceptance. Note please that access to art academies can be somewhat
limited because the applicants must meet demanding requirements and
demonstrate their talent (i.e. submit a sample of their artistic
work, for example photographs, video/audio recording of a musical
performance etc.). The applicants for research stays need not
necessarily be proficient in the Czech language, unless its knowledge
is a prerequisite for admission due to the nature of the selected
field of study/research. If they cannot demonstrate adequate
knowledge of Czech, a good command of English is normally required
(less frequently knowledge of French or German may suffice, depending
on the field and university selected).

It is also possible to apply for a study stay at a university (i.e.
enrolment in a standard study programme with tuition in the Czech
language for the period of scholarship specified in the respective
intergovernmental/ inter-ministeria l agreement). In this case, a
good command of the Czech language is a must and admission may be
conditional upon successful passing of an entrance examination.

All applicants should indicate the preferred period of scholarship in
their application form. The Ministry reserves the right to change the
requested term of scholarship and/or place any applicant to a course
and/or higher education institution different from those indicated in
his/her scholarship application form, if admission as requested by
the applicant is not feasible.

For more information please visit

http://www.msmt. cz/international -cooperation- 1/stipendijni- pobyty-v- ceske-republice- v-akademickem- roce-2007- 2008

[sursa romstudyabroad]

Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies 2007

Filed under: scoli de vara — newslettercecop @ 8:40 am

Czech language courses – summer 2007

The Czech language courses within the so called Summer Schools of
Slavonic Studies are open annually by several public universities in
the Czech Republic. Course participants are, for the most part,
foreign students and teachers of Czech/Slavonic Studies.

The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport offers scholarships
for participation in the said courses to applicants from eligible
countries. The offer is announced through the respective Czech
Embassies. Scholarships are awarded only to applicants nominated by
the competent authorities (usually government agencies) of eligible
countries that are required to submit their application dossiers by
31 March of the calendar year concerned. Applications sent directly
to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport by individual
applicants will not be processed. Advice and further information can
be provided by the Czech Embassies in eligible countries.The
scholarship consists of free board and lodging and coverage of course

Summer school courses are open also to foreign nationals who do not
hold or cannot apply for the aforementioned scholarships and wish to
bear the related expenses themselves. Applications are to be filed
directly with the selected faculty/institute in this case (please
note that decisions as to admission fall within the terms of
reference of the respective institutions of higher education).

http://www.msmt. cz/international -cooperation- 1/summer- schools-of- slavonic- studies

[sursa romstudyabroad]

European Master’s Degree in Human Rights And Democratisati on (E.MA)

Filed under: burse — newslettercecop @ 8:39 am

The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation
(E.MA) is an intensive one-year academic programme to educate
professionals in the field of human rights and democratisation, and
provide its graduates with practical work experience. It is a
multidisciplinary programme that reflects the indivisible links
between human rights, democracy, peace and development.

The programme offers an action and policy-oriented approach to
learning about international relations, law, philosophy, history,
anthropology, political science and sociology. Students have the
opportunity to meet and be taught by leading academics, experts and
representatives of international organisations (including European
Union representatives) while studying in a multi-cultural environment.
The Programme offers a full semester in Venice and a semester in a
participating University.

For more information: http://www.emahuman

[sursa romstudyabroad]

Research Programme on Climate Change Modelling and Policy

Filed under: joburi — newslettercecop @ 8:38 am

Research Programme on Climate Change Modelling and Policy

Two junior research fellow positions
More info in the file „Research positions Climate Modeling.txt” :
http://groups. group/romstudyab road/files/ Fisiere%20Aplica tii/

Applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae with a full list
of publications and at least one letter of recommendation to: Monica
Eberle, monica.eberle@

[sursa romstudyabroad]

The Transylvanian International Model United Nations

Filed under: concursuri, evenimente — newslettercecop @ 7:37 am

Dear friends,

Cluj Model United Nations Association from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, would like to invite you to take part in the first edition of the Transylvania Model United Nations (TRANSIMUN). The conference aims to bring together students from all over the world to debate, simulate the decision making process inside the United Nations and enjoy a multicultural environment.  

This year’s conference theme will be „Meeting the Challenges of Globalisation” . The conference will consist of 4 days of debates, negotiations and adoption of resolutions in four committees: the General Assembly plenary, the Security Council, The Economic and Social Council and the European Council, under the guidance of our experienced staff. The topics have been chosen carefully so as to match the current international agenda and will address matters of urgent interest to the international community and the United Nations. The official language of the conference will be English.

The TRANSIMUN conference will take place between 28th of April – 1st of May 2007, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The participants will be offered the chance to become involved in the five committee sessions but also to get to know their fellow participants at the social events which we have prepared for each evening of the conference. 

For all the details regarding the agenda and registration, please visit our website: www.transimun. org or email us at office@transimun. org.

Best regards,

[sursa resursetineret]

februarie 27, 2007

Vino la PR Forum 2007!

Filed under: cursuri& traininguri, evenimente — newslettercecop @ 10:25 am

Vino la PR Forum 2007!
Evensys Consult organizeaza in data de 13 martie, la Crowne Plaza
PR Forum – primul eveniment de PR & Corporate Communication din
Romania .

Daca esti esti student la Jurnalism, Litere, Stiinte Economice sau
Stiinte Politice, atunci „PR Forum Students Contest ” este sansa
ta! Ai ocazia sa descoperi lumea PR-ului, din perpectiva
specialistilor domeniulului si sa fii la curent cu tendintele si
provocarile actuale ale industriei comunicarii.

Gasesti detalii despre eveniment la http://www.prforum. ro (incepand de luni
26 februarie)

Cum pot ajunge la PR Forum?
Daca esti interesat de acest concurs, trimite pe adresa
office@evensys. ro datele tale (nume, facultate, telefon, e-mail)
pentru a fi inregistrat in concurs.

Ce trebuie sa fac?
Redactezi un eseu pe tema „Relatia PR-mass-media: Idei pentru o
casnicie fericita”, care sa includa propria ta viziune asupra
relatiei om de PR – jurnalist: cum se desfasoara aceasta relatie si
care este eticheta pe care un om de PR trebuie sa o pastreze in
relatia cu un ziarist.

Trimti lucrarea pana in data de 8 martie, pe adresa office@evensys. ro
insotita de profilul tau ce trebuie sa contina: nume si prenume,
facultatea, adresa, orasul, numarul de telefon si adresa de e-mail.

Ce castig?
In urma concursului vor fi selectati 5 studenti care vor fi invitati
sa participe la PR Forum, unde vor avea acces la toate sesiunile
evenimentului. Castigatorii vor primi de asemenea un set de carti de
specialitate si vor avea posibilitatea de a stabili interviuri cu
diverse agentii de PR in vederea angajarii.

Cine face selectia?
Concursul va fi jurizat de reprezentanti din partea organizatorului
si ai partenerilor evenimentului.

Cum stiu daca am castigat?
In cazul in care vei fi selectat, vei fi anuntat telefonic. In ziua
evenimentului, castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe site-ul PR Forum.

Lucrarea trebuie conceputa sub forma unui eseu tehnoredactat in limba
romana, de maxim 650 de cuvinte.

Dovedeste-ne creativitatea si originalitatea ta! Ce spui, accepti

Conferinta „Politica europeana de vecinatate la doi ani de aplicare”

Filed under: Noutati CeCOP — newslettercecop @ 9:12 am

Clubul European Studentesc SNSPA anuntă:


Politica europeană de vecinătate la doi ani de aplicare

Invitat: Vasile Puscas

Marti, 27 februarie 2007, orele 17:00, sala 111

                                                                Un proiect                CeCOP                  

Veti gasi atasat acestui mail un document cu cateva informatii generale privitoare la politica europeana de vecinatate. Aveti mai jos un link spre un document scurt si un altul pentru informatii mai complete in masura in care va intereseaza subiectul

Numai bine,

Daniela Marinache

Coordonatoare proiecte CES

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